Tuesday, 29 March 2016

One of Fifty Over Fifty

When you're a freelance writer, you get used to sending articles and ideas out into cyberspace in the hope that someone will like them and want to include them in a publication. Sometimes (often), so much time passes between the time you send the work out and the time you hear back that you almost forget you sent it out in the first place. And then, when you receive that always lovely and sometimes surprising acceptance, you can't wait for it to make its appearance in the world.

That's exactly what happened with this anthology. I submitted my work, then went on about my business, having almost forgotten I'd put it out there. When it was accepted, it was a wonderful surprise, and lately, I've been wondering when I might get to see it.

The answer? This week. I received an email last week that my contributor copies were being shipped early this week. If you'd like a copy of your own, it's available on Amazon and Indie Bound.

50 Over 50 is a superb collection of poetry, essays, and fiction by women over 50. This anthology features work by notable authors like Robin Black, Bonnie Jo Campbell, J.C. Todd, Vickie A. Carr, and Rachel Pastan. While many of the writers included are emerging authors, all of the work has something funny, thoughtful, and compelling to say about sex, family, loss, and love.

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