Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Thoughtful Thursday with Rachel J. Good

Last fall, I bought crayons and colored pencils and printed out coloring pages for my students (college freshmen) to color. It was perhaps the quietest five minutes we had all semester, and a few of the young ladies in my class ended up putting coloring books on their Christmas lists.

I never actually gave much thought to what went into creating them, until my friend and fellow author, Rachel J. Good created a coloring book of her own. Read on to find out how Rachel added coloring books to her resume. 

In the mood to color? Click here to download one of Rachel's coloring pages. 

Are You a Coloring Book Fan?

By Rachel J. Good

Have you been following the coloring book craze? I hadn�t. Although family and friends had been praising them as stress relievers and libraries in the area were attracting large groups of dedicated coloring book fans, I was busy meeting book deadlines.

Then an illustrator friend handed me her latest project � an adult coloring book. She thought it might reduce my deadline anxiety. I hesitated about taking time out of my busy schedule to try it, but I didn�t want to hurt her feelings. So I pulled out my markers and colored pencils, sat down, and colored.

And colored�and colored...

OK, so it was addictive.

Maybe it�s the throwback to childhood or the intense concentration it takes to shade in small sections, but coloring not only relaxes me, it puts me in the zone � the creative zone. Coloring unlocks the subconscious and frees the mind to solve problems, including those thorny plot problems I�d been wrestling with in my Amish novel.

Photo: Pixabay
Many famous inventors claim their Eureka! moments came to them spontaneously while they were resting or engaged in a simple, repetitive activity. If I�m stuck on a creative project, I find showering, walking, or washing dishes releases my writer�s block. Now I have a new technique that works equally as well, or perhaps even better, because coloring uses the artistic side of my brain.

For me that coloring book not only unleashed a flurry of creative ideas, it connected two unrelated projects � my Amish novel and coloring books � stimulating me to create my own coloring book, the Amish Quilts Coloring Book. Although it meant carving time out of my life to research and recreate original patterns, I enjoyed the challenge. It also gave me a chance to use my illustration background in a new way.  I had fun choosing each quilt and selecting an Amish proverb for the facing pages. And it makes a nice companion for the first novel in my Sisters & Friends Amish series, Change of Heart, which debuts May 3.

If you�re experiencing writer�s block, or just want to relax, why not try coloring? I�ve attached a sample coloring page with a quilt pattern and a proverb on the same page.  I hope it encourages you to create something new.

Join Rachel for a Facebook party to celebrate the
release of the first book in her Sisters & Friends
series. Details at

Rachel J. Good writes life-changing, heartfelt novels of faith, hope, and forgiveness and is the author of Amish romances in the Sisters & Friends series. Rachel grew up near Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the setting for her novels. A former teacher and librarian, she completed her MA from Vermont College while raising five children. She is presently an MFA student at Hollins University. In addition to having more than 2200 articles and 30 books in print or forthcoming under several pseudonyms, she also juggles freelance editing and illustration careers. Sign up for her newsletter and/or visit Rachel at

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