Monday, 13 June 2016


I am in my happy place.

Yes, I am posting terribly late. Yes, I barely know what day it is. But I am in my happy place.

As I type this, I'm sitting on a screened-in porch at the beach. It's 73 degrees, there's a slight breeze and, aside from a few too many flies, I have nothing to complain about.

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks. A writing conference. My daughter's prom, end of classes and graduation. Her week at the beach. Her college orientation. Three graduation parties. A little bit of writing, a lot of packing and a house that looks as though someone shook it and turned it upside down.

But I'm not there. I'm here. At the beach. When I go home, there will be sorting and organizing and a return to real life -- perhaps even a schedule of some sort. I will get back into a writing routine, start thinking about fall classes, begin chipping away at the college shopping list. And, because it's summer, I'll also read, nap, relax and do everything on my list at a more relaxed pace.

When I get home.

For now, I am at the beach. On the patio.

In my happy place.

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